Check out these talking points and lists of adverse impacts to help us with DEIS comments- both at the hearings, and in written form. There's plenty to comment about!!
Oil terminals proposed for Grays Harbor would have significant adverse impacts
Dirty and Dangerous Crude Oil Terminals Proposed in Grays Harbor
The draft Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) for the Westway Expansion Project and the Imperium Terminal Services Expansion Project [oil terminals] have been released and the comment period starts August 31, 2015 and ends October 29, 2015.
Both Draft EISs are available on the Ecology website, In addition to the draft documents, the website also has links to fact sheets in English and Spanish. These fact sheets summarize key issue areas, the environmental review process, and the Westway and the Imperium expansion projects. The website has information on submitting comments and a link to the online comment form.
Public comments will be accepted-
By mail at:
Westway and Imperium Terminal Services Expansion Projects EISs
c/o ICF International
710 Second Street, Suite 550
Seattle, WA 98104
Online at: https://public.commentworks.
IMPORTANT NOTE email Subject Line to Ecology and City of Hoquiam needs to be: “Westway and Imperium crude oil-by-rail terminal EISs”
In person at a public hearing orally or in writing.
Public Hearings October 1 & 8
Details on website:
Each hearing has two comment sessions
October 1, Satsop Business Park, Elma
Flextech Bldg. (Bldg. 100) 150 Technology Way
First comment
session: 1:30-4:30 PM Second comment session: 6:00-9:00 PM
October 8, D&R Theater, Aberdeen
205 I Street, between Heron and Wishkah
First comment session: 1:30-4:30 PMSecond comment session: 6:00-9:00 PM
JOIN THE RALLY@ 5 PM, Aberdeen wear red
More info: Contact CCH at cleangraysharbor@gmail.com