Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Biomass Pellet facility in Hoquiam

 Pacific Northwest Renewable Energy  has proposed a Biomass Pellet factory next to the Chip operation on Moon Island.

From their construction permit:

Pacific Northwest Renewable Energy, LLC (PNWRE) is proposing to construct and operate a wood pellet facility on an approximately 60-acre parcel in the city of Hoquiam, Washington. The facility would include a wood biomass pellet plant, storage silos, and a new conveyor that would connect to an existing conveyor at the Willis Enterprises Moon Island Chip Mill (Willis Enterprises).

 The processing of woody biomass at the proposed PNWRE facility would involve the use of three truck tippers; a chips cleaning line with air emissions controlled by a cyclone; two wet hammer mills with air emissions controlled by cyclones; one hog fuel furnace and dryer with air emissions controlled by a wet electrostatic precipitator (WESP) and a regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO); four dry hammer mills, each with air emissions controlled by a combined cyclone and fabric filter system (cyclofilter); 12 pellet mills in production and two cooling lines with air emissions controlled by baghouses; a regenerative catalytic oxidizer (RCO) controlling air emissions from the combined dry hammer mills and pellet cooling lines; five wood pellet storage silos; and a covered conveyor system to deliver wood pellets to the existing Willis Enterprises conveyance system and ship loadout facility. The wet raw materials for pellet production and hog fuel for the furnace would be delivered to the facility via truck. The facility would have the capacity to process up to 440,800 tons per year (TPY) of dried wood pellets. 

The project would induce emissions of air contaminants in the region, thereby requiring an approved Notice of Construction (NOC) application from the Olympic Region Clean Air Agency (ORCAA). The PNWRE facility is not expected to generate criteria pollutant emissions in quantities that would trigger the need for a Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) permit but is anticipated to trigger the need for a Title V Air Operating Permit. The facility would be an area source of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), as potential emissions of each individual HAP would be less than the applicable major source threshold, 10 TPY. Total HAP are less than the combined HAP major-source threshold, 25 TPY. 

Olympic Region Clean Air Agency permit is here 

Emissions concerns raised over Hoquiam pellet plant proposal The Daily World, Jan 19, 2024

Biomass boom is coming: Is the NW ready? The Chinook Observer April 9, 2024