Several of our friends have set up Facebook Albums. These are open to view, even if you aren't signed up on FB. Zoltan's album has the transcribed speeches Here's the Album from Citizens for a Clean Harbor Bev Basset finds a #GH Rocks! for Shared Waters. Bob Ziegler sent in some of the photos- Thanks, Bob!
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Apryl Boling took many crowd shots. |
John Duffy has posted a wonderful set of pictures over on Flickr
LEE CHOE EESE, President Fawn Sharp paddles the Quinault canoe. |
Backbone Kayakivists along the banks of the Hoquiam River. Videos!
Alan Richrod's video is on FB. (Sorry, I couldn't get this to post)
Stand Up To Oil created this amazing video. 60 Must Watch Seconds! |
I walked with the drummers for a bit. Turn it up while you watch!
The Daily World covered it in the next days paper
Protest Against Crude Oil on Grays Harbor draws hundreds.
Supporters from around the region showed up in full force to protest a proposal to ship crude oil through Grays Harbor and support the Quinault Indian Nation’s Shared Waters, Shared Values Rally in Hoquiam Friday afternoon.
Hundreds gathered at the 9th Street Dock to welcome the tribe’s flotilla of traditional canoes, kayaks and boats and to band together to protest the proposed expansion of fuel storage facilities at the Port of Grays Harbor.
“No crude oil” was the chant as they embarked on a four-block march to city hall to make their stand.
“We area at a critical place here in Grays Harbor, a decision is going to be made soon,” Fawn Sharp, president of the Quinault Nation said. “The future of the harbor is going to go in one direction or the other. We need to go in the direction of no crude oil in Grays Harbor … forever!”